Sunday, July 21, 2013

Recruiting Redrawers for Spiral Alive!

I'm going to be recruiting 1-3 redrawers. In general, a redrawer is someone who removes any text over the art and redraws the art as if the text wasn't there. Please read the information below if you are interested. Here are some samples of redrawings: Sample 1, Sample 2

General Information:
- This is a temporary position. If you've read the first post, the only purpose of this group right now is to complete the scanalation of Spiral Alive, so once we're done, you won't be working on anything else from WCS. With that being said, you will only be working on Spiral Alive.
- This is entirely a voluntarily position; you won't be paid. I'm not being paid either. :D
- There are no deadlines. I'd like to have a chapter redrawn in 1-2 months, but I'm not really enforcing it. If you don't send back anything within half a year, we might have a problem...

What are the requirements?
- Photoshop (Other programs are fine as long as you can open, edit, and send them back as PSDs)
- Familiarity with Photoshop (if you are a beginner, read some guides!)
- Email (I need this to contact you and send you the files)
- Immunity to spoilers (Yes, you may come across spoilers when redrawing)
- Free time!
- Beginners are welcome if you self-teach yourself (I'm still new to this myself ^^)

+ An eye for art. (I know we all can't be professionals XD)
+ Experience with the scanlation process.
+ I read Spiral Alive!

What are the standards/expectations?
You will be given cleaned raws and expected to redraw the given areas proficiently. You can look at the previous chapters to get an idea of the quality expected.
- You must remove any dialog that covers the art and redraw it. This includes dialog bubbles and thoughts outside of bubbles.
- You do not have to remove/redraw sound effects or signs.

What's the workload?
There's about an average of 10-15 pages per chapter that will need to be redrawn. This will be split among 1-3 people. I will likely have a chapter ready to be redrawn every 1-2 months.

What's in it for me?
Nothing, really. XD People do this out of their own free time with little to no reward. You will just be helping me out by doing one of the time-consuming task. You'll get experience and your name on the credits page (And staff page if I make one). And, of course, releases will be faster (this depends of me as well).

>>> Click here to apply! <<<

If you have any questions, comment below!