Monday, June 17, 2013

Spiral Alive 22

I just realized that both of my previous releases were on Sundays. Well, this release will break that record! Feeling down because it's Monday? Then read some Spiral Alive!

Translation Note: (also found on the credits page)
I originally left "Shefiirudo" (romaji spelling) as Shefield because of previous groups' translations. But his name should actually have two f's. So starting from this chapter, Shefield will now be Sheffield.

Editor/Translator: Yumina

Download Link: Mediafire

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Future Recruitments

With real life getting in the way, I don't have as much time to concentrate on Spiral Alive and being in a one-person group, I have to do everything myself. My goal is to finish Spiral Alive in a timely manner without losing quality, but with my current situation, I just can't do that by myself. This was my first time stepping into the the scanlation world and I realized it takes a lot of effort for quality releases. I could continue doing this myself, but it would take longer than if I had help. I know that you, the readers, want to read the next Spiral Alive as soon as possible so I have decided to enlist some help.

Most of my time is spent translating, rechecking translation, and redrawing. What I am looking for are redrawers. Most likely 1 or 2, maybe even 3. A redrawer will have to remove any text that is over the art and redraw it as if the text wasn't there. I will provide more details in another post after the release of chapter 22 (within a week). This is just a notice that I will be looking for redrawers, so if you know anyone that may be willing to help, please tell them. ^^ If you have any quick questions, feel free to ask.

tl;dr I will be recruiting redrawers in the near future. I will make another post with more details. Chapter 22 will be released within a week!