Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Future Recruitments

With real life getting in the way, I don't have as much time to concentrate on Spiral Alive and being in a one-person group, I have to do everything myself. My goal is to finish Spiral Alive in a timely manner without losing quality, but with my current situation, I just can't do that by myself. This was my first time stepping into the the scanlation world and I realized it takes a lot of effort for quality releases. I could continue doing this myself, but it would take longer than if I had help. I know that you, the readers, want to read the next Spiral Alive as soon as possible so I have decided to enlist some help.

Most of my time is spent translating, rechecking translation, and redrawing. What I am looking for are redrawers. Most likely 1 or 2, maybe even 3. A redrawer will have to remove any text that is over the art and redraw it as if the text wasn't there. I will provide more details in another post after the release of chapter 22 (within a week). This is just a notice that I will be looking for redrawers, so if you know anyone that may be willing to help, please tell them. ^^ If you have any quick questions, feel free to ask.

tl;dr I will be recruiting redrawers in the near future. I will make another post with more details. Chapter 22 will be released within a week!


  1. So, um... is this still happening? ^.^'

    1. Yes, I will be recruiting redrawers in the near future but I have been busy this past month and haven't gotten the chance work out the details. The truth is, I haven't even touched chapter 23 yet (Sorry!) so there's nothing to be redrawn because the pages need to be pre-cleaned. But thanks for asking! :D I was worried people wouldn't be interest.

    2. Ah, no rush! I'm just grateful that one of my favorite series has been picked up, so I want to provide what help I can. I had given up hope of this ever being finished, and compared to that, waiting a bit between chapters is nothing.
