Monday, June 17, 2013

Spiral Alive 22

I just realized that both of my previous releases were on Sundays. Well, this release will break that record! Feeling down because it's Monday? Then read some Spiral Alive!

Translation Note: (also found on the credits page)
I originally left "Shefiirudo" (romaji spelling) as Shefield because of previous groups' translations. But his name should actually have two f's. So starting from this chapter, Shefield will now be Sheffield.

Editor/Translator: Yumina

Download Link: Mediafire


  1. Wow I can't believe this is still going, thanks Spiral and Spiral Alive is really interesting. Do you know if it connects to Spiral story like a previous storyline or is it something different?

    1. Spiral Alive is considered a prequel to Spiral because the events in Spiral Alive take place a few years before Spiral. Both of them take place in the same setting. But Spiral Alive was written after Spiral so the ideal reading order is Spiral then Spiral Alive.

  2. Thanks for the new chapters! i just read them today >.< really thank you so much for these translated good quality scans :DDD

