Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Spiral Alive 24

Another release! This series is not dropped and will continue to be scanlated by WCS. I'll be looking for new recruits in the future so keep an eye out for an announcement!

Download from MediaFire

I'm also happy to announce that Shiro-to-Kuro will continue to translate Spiral Alive in French from our English releases. If you would like to translate Spiral Alive into another language with our English translations, send me an email and I will provide you with the cleaned raws. Don't forget to include us in your credits ;)


  1. Thank you so much!!!

  2. arigato!! i'm glad u didn't drop SA

  3. Thank you for your releases! Will be waiting for the rest :3

  4. Would U pls finish up SA. 4 chaps to go and it would be hugely appreciated by all. Asking by all means... Please!!

  5. Four chaps. to go and achievement complete. Have to re-read Bonds of Reasoning afterwrds

  6. Hi Anonymous, I'm current busy with school so I don't have time to work on SA atm, but I plan to continue working on SA during the summer. Sorry for the wait! >o<

  7. yay! thanks for the scanlations. you're almost there!

  8. Yay! Sorry for my previous comment, i didn't notice these :)
    I can't wait for the next chapters!
    You're amazing!
    Well done!
